2024 Westmoreland County Commissioner Meetings Scheduled: “Caters to those who do not work normal hours”

Introduction: A Year of Governance Ahead

Westmoreland County has outlined its schedule for the Commissioners’ public meetings for 2024, setting the stage for a year of governance and public engagement. These meetings, crucial for discussing and deciding on county matters, are set to occur at various dates throughout the year.

Meeting Schedule and Location

The meetings will be held at 10:00 AM in the combined Commissioners’ Public Meeting Rooms or Commissioners Meeting Room #101, located in the Courthouse Square Office Building, 2 North Main Street, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The scheduled dates are as follows: January 25, February 8, March 14, April 4 and 18, May 16, June 6 and 27, July 18, August 1 and 22, September 12, October 3 and 31, November 21, and December 19. Notably, the November and December meetings have been arranged to accommodate the holiday season and the mandatory twenty-day budget display period before adoption.

Concerns Over Meeting Times

A point of contention, however, lies in the timing of these meetings. Set at 10:00 AM, they pose a significant challenge for residents with standard work hours, limiting their ability to attend and participate in these crucial discussions. This scheduling could potentially hinder the involvement of a significant portion of the community in local governance.

Conclusion: Striving for Inclusive Governance

As Westmoreland County heads into 2024, the challenge remains to make public meetings more accessible to all residents. In doing so, the county can ensure a more inclusive and participatory approach to local governance, reflecting the diverse voices and needs of its community.