Letter to the Editor

Welcome to the “Letter to the Editor” page of Westmoreland Bell, where the voices of Bell and Washington Townships find a platform. This page is dedicated to our readers, offering a space for you to share your thoughts, opinions, stories, and concerns about our community.

How to Submit Your Letter

1. Submission Guidelines

a. Length: Letters should be concise, ideally not exceeding 300 words.

b. Content: We welcome letters on any topic of local interest but ask that they remain respectful and constructive. Letters may be edited for clarity, length, and appropriateness.

c. Contact Information: Please include your full name, address, and a daytime phone number for verification purposes. Only your name and township will be published alongside your letter.

2. Submission Process

a. Email: Send your letters to letters@westmorelandbell.com

b. Mail: You can also mail your letters to our office found in the contact us page.

3. Editorial Review

All submissions are subject to review by our editorial team. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, length, and to ensure compliance with our publication standards.

What to Expect After Submission

a. Confirmation: We will acknowledge the receipt of your letter.

b. Publication: Not all letters will be published. Selected letters will appear on our website and may be featured in our printed edition.

c. Response: Due to the volume of submissions, we may not be able to personally respond to each letter.

Topics of Interest

  • Community Issues: Share your views on local developments, policies, and community matters.
  • Historical Insights: Enlighten us with anecdotes or facts about our townships’ rich history.
  • Personal Experiences: Tell us about your experiences and stories that highlight life in Bell and Washington Townships.

We look forward to reading your letters and thank you for contributing to the vibrant discourse of our community.