Join the Avonmore Library Volunteer Effort: Upcoming Helping Hands Events

a group of hands forming a heart

The Avonmore Library, a beacon of community learning and engagement, is extending a warm invitation to residents of Avonmore and the surrounding areas to become a part of its vital volunteer team. With a pressing need for volunteers, the library is keen on reinforcing its staff to continue providing invaluable services and programs to the community. This article incorporates recent updates from the library about upcoming events designed to onboard new volunteers and outlines the process for getting involved.

The Urgent Call for Volunteers Reiterated

On February 29, the Avonmore Library highlighted the significant number of volunteers required to keep the library running smoothly. From visible roles at the library and its events to behind-the-scenes efforts, it takes a diverse team to maintain this community hub’s vibrancy. The library has expressed a keen interest in tapping into the local talent pool, inviting individuals to contribute their talents, ideas, or time.

Upcoming Helping Hands Events

The library had scheduled two special “Helping Hands” events, designed to engage potential volunteers and discuss the library’s future directions and needs. The first event on March 6th has already passed, but there’s another opportunity to get involved:

  • March 23rd Helping Hands Event: This event is an open invitation for those interested in volunteering to learn more about how they can contribute to the Avonmore Library. Extra staff will be available to discuss the library’s needs and explore how your skills and interests can support its growth.

Volunteer Requirements and Support

Understanding the importance of safety and trust, the Avonmore Library requires all staff and program volunteers to obtain PA Child Abuse Clearance and a PA Criminal Record Check Clearance. Recognizing that this process can be daunting or confusing, the library promises to assist prospective volunteers. During the Helping Hands events, laptops and guidance will be provided to help attendees navigate the clearance process efficiently.

How You Can Make a Difference

The Avonmore Library is reaching out to the community for support, not just in maintaining its current services but in expanding its offerings and impact. By volunteering, you’re not just donating your time; you’re contributing to the growth and vibrancy of your local community. Here are the key ways you can get involved:

  • Attend the March 23rd Event: This is your chance to learn more about the library, its needs, and how you can fit into its future plans.
  • Spread the Word: Encourage friends and family who may be interested in volunteering to attend the event and learn more about how they can contribute.
  • Offer Your Skills and Time: Whether you’re interested in working directly with the public, organizing events, or supporting the library’s operations behind the scenes, your contribution will be invaluable.


The Avonmore Library stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration and support. The upcoming Helping Hands event on March 23rd represents a critical opportunity for individuals to step forward and contribute to an institution that plays a crucial role in the community’s educational and cultural life. By volunteering your time, skills, or even navigating the clearance process with the library’s assistance, you can help ensure the Avonmore Library remains a thriving resource for all.

Chad Gabta

Chad Gabta

Chad Gabta, a Bell Township, PA native raised amid the tranquillity of the rural landscape, Chad embodies the values of his small-town upbringing – community, dedication, and resilience. After graduating from high school, Chad chose to serve his community by enlisting in the US Navy, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His innate courage and leadership skills quickly saw him rising through the ranks. Chad's efforts have not only safeguarded his community but have also inspired countless others to contribute actively to the wellbeing of their neighbors. Chad is a beloved figure in local youth sports, coaching soccer, and basketball teams in his spare time. His energetic personality and knack for fostering teamwork have led his teams to several local championships, but more importantly, Chad takes pride in instilling values of sportsmanship, discipline, and camaraderie in his players. Living a simple life, Chad enjoys outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and camping, which he often does with his wife and two children. He is also known for hosting annual barbecues that foster camaraderie and unity among Bell Township's residents.